There are so many different ways to do social media and honestly, there is no right or wrong, but it can be HUGE for your career. If no one knows that you exist then it doesn't matter how great your book is.
Social media is FREE so why not use it?
You can spend HOURS on social wasting time or you can make it work for you!
Here are some tips on how to make it work in your favor without losing your entire life to it.
1. Create your graphics in batches. Like, I spend 3 hours this morning creating 150 different graphics that I'll be able to use for the next 6 months/yes some will repeat. Remember not everyone sees your posts the first time.
2. Use a scheduler like Planoly but go back in and comment on your own posts when you get comments. This is connecting with your audience and other authors, bloggers, podcasters, etc.
3. Schedule time to go in and be active in groups-be AUTHENTIC and don't promote yourself or your coaching. I do this about 30 minutes in the am each day and 30 in the late afternoon M-F
4. Done is better than perfect. It's okay to make mistakes on social, and no one cares if you aren't perfect but you. :)
And finally, if you can afford it, you can hire an assistant to take care of a lot of these things for you. Some people aren't great with graphics, and some people don't like to edit videos (most of mine are unedited BTW), and some people don't like to schedule.
There are no rules, just ideas.
A couple of people emailed and asked for the names of people from who I've learned from.
For Instagram JASMINE STAR is amazing.
For REELS Instagram ELLE SYNERGY (it's two women who run one company)
Good luck with it and please remember this one last thing. You don't have to do them all and don't compare yourself with others. Some people have been doing it for much longer and have systems in place.
Speaking of SOCIAL
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