I'm super excited to be joining NaNoWriMo for the 19th time--yup, because I've done CampNaNo, this is my 19th time.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE NaNo as I love drafting fast.
I'm up to 10,000 words, and I didn't do squat on day one, and I work a full-time job, AND am nursing a sprained knee. If you follow me on social you know that I took a bad fall on October 12th and messed up my MCL royally; it sucks, it hurts, and well, it's hard to sit and write, but I am doing it.
If I can do it, so can you!!!
For the past three years, I did a thing in my newsletter called LETTERS FOR NANO where I sent a daily email of encouragement, but this year I simply don't have the time; this said, please come back here because I'll be posting a lot this month.

WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE--seems obvious but people talk about writing but don't do it. Sit down and write.
Don't edit or overthink it; just move forward.
Create daily goals for yourself (word count, or chapters, or time)
Get an accountability group; FB groups are good, but anything with friends JOIN THE FEMALE WRITERS SOCIETY HERE (don't forget to answer all the questions)
Believe in yourself!!

Now, I'm at 10,820 words--but I drafted an entire novel in three days earlier this fall for a contest, and I wrote for television as well as script doctoring-the entertainment industry moves fast-so I can draft fast.
I know you can do it!!!
Follow me on social at stephobourbon on FB, Instagram, and Twitter (though I may Twitter soon) and also stephbourbonauthor on insta (I have more than one account)
